Sedation Dentistry in Spicewood, TX

How can I get treatment without pain and anxiety?

We understand that undergoing a dental procedure is not always a pleasant experience. Thankfully, there are options that make receiving treatment much more comfortable. Sedation options are an effective way to receive the dental care you need without stress, pain, or anxiety. All it takes is a simple conversation with your dentist to find out if sedation dentistry in Spicewood is the right choice for you. Call today to schedule schedule an appointment at Bee Creek Dental.

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Did you know…

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An overactive gag reflex, fear of needles, or a low-pain threshold can be treated and soothed with sedation.

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How it works: The Sedation Dentistry process

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Treatment Review

To begin, your dentist will walk you through your treatment plan and determine if sedation is the right choice for your procedure. For more invasive or lengthy dental procedures, specific types of sedation may be recommended or necessary. Other options are best suited for relieving tension and anxiety.

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Health Evaluation

Next, your dentist will discuss your current health and past health history to make sure sedation is an appropriate option for you. Some health issues may affect your ability to be sedated with your preferred method, such as past drug addiction or the use of certain prescription medications.

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Needs & Concerns

An honest conversation with your dentist regarding your specific needs and concerns will help determine which sedation options will work best for you. How deeply do you wish to be sedated? What is making you anxious about your procedure? Do you have a low pain threshold? Your dentist may ask a variety of questions in order to select the appropriate sedation method.

Recommendations & Options

After collecting this information, your dentist will lay out all your available sedation options. They will also let you know of each one’s effects and instructions. With the dentist’s recommendation and your input, we can help you choose the right option for your procedure.

Did you know…

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Around 40% of Americans suffer from dental anxiety.

Interested in sedation services?

Call (512) 266-6366 to Book an Appointment

Have questions about sedation options? Find answers here.

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What is sedation used for in dentistry?

Sedation is used to soothe dental anxiety and alleviate pain during procedures. Many patients suffer from dental anxiety, which can prevent them from getting the dental care they need. If coming to the dentist makes you feel anxious or nervous, sedation can help you feel safe, comfortable, and relaxed during your treatment.

Sedation also helps mitigate pain and discomfort during more invasive procedures, such as oral surgeries, tooth extractions, and dental implant placement. If you require multiple dental procedures and need to sit still for several hours during treatment, sedation can help you feel comfortable and calm.

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Am I a good candidate for sedation dentistry?

Most patients are good candidates for sedation dentistry, but it is important to share your current health and past health history with your dentist to make sure sedation is appropriate for you. If you have a history of drug abuse, or are taking medications that may interfere with the sedation process, sedation dentistry may not be a suitable option. Reach out to our team to learn more about sedation, and to get the conversation started.

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What does sedation dentistry feel like?

Each method of sedation feels different, so it depends on which option you choose. Laughing gas keeps you fully conscious and aware of your surroundings. You will feel light-headed, giggly, and relaxed while feeling less discomfort during treatment.

Oral conscious sedation and IV sedation will most likely cause you to fall asleep and forget most of your procedure. However, you will not be unconscious, and you can still be woken and respond to commands. Feeling groggy and “out of it” are common side effects.

The deepest method of sedation is general anesthesia. You will be completely unconscious and will not feel or remember anything from your procedure.

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Is sedation dentistry safe?

Yes. Sedation dentistry is provided by qualified professionals at our office who are specially trained to administer all available options. While oral conscious sedation and IV sedation have more prolonged side effects compared to laughing gas, they are still very safe. As long as you are a good candidate, sedation will have no serious risks to your health or well-being.

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Will I feel pain with sedation dentistry?

The beauty of sedation dentistry lies in its ability to significantly reduce, if not entirely eliminate, pain during dental procedures. It's an ideal solution for those who have dental anxiety or fear of pain.

Sedation dentistry involves the use of medication to create a relaxed, easy-going state. It's important to note that sedation and anesthesia are not the same. Anesthesia numbs a specific area of your body to prevent pain, while sedation helps you relax during the procedure.

The level of sedation can vary depending on the complexity of the dental procedure and the patient's comfort level. Mild sedation, often achieved with nitrous oxide (laughing gas), leaves you awake but relaxed. Moderate sedation might cause you to slur your words and not remember much of the procedure. Deep sedation takes you to the edge of consciousness, but you can still be awakened. General anesthesia, on the other hand, renders you completely unconscious.

In most cases, local anesthesia will be used in conjunction with sedation to ensure that you don't feel any pain during the procedure. So, while the sedation helps you stay calm and comfortable, the anesthesia ensures a pain-free experience.

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How long will I be sedated?

The duration of sedation depends on several factors including the type of sedative used, the length of the procedure, and your body's response to sedation.

For instance, if you're receiving nitrous oxide, the effects will wear off fairly quickly after the gas supply is stopped. You might even be able to drive yourself home after the procedure.

Oral sedation, which is taken in the form of a pill, usually lasts longer. The pill is taken about an hour before the procedure, and its effects can last for a few hours after the procedure. You'll need someone to drive you home in this case.

Intravenous (IV) sedation acts quickly and its effects can be felt for a few hours after the procedure. The exact duration varies from person to person. With this type of sedation, you'll definitely need someone to drive you home.

If you're put under general anesthesia, the effects can linger for a few hours, leaving you feeling groggy. It's essential to have someone accompany you to the appointment and drive you home afterward.

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How do I prepare to be sedated?

Preparation for sedation dentistry depends on the type of sedation you will be receiving.

For nitrous oxide, there's usually no preparation needed. You can eat and drink as normal before your appointment.

If you're taking an oral sedative, you may need to take the medication the night before or an hour before your appointment. You should not eat or drink anything six hours before your appointment unless directed otherwise by your dentist.

For IV sedation and general anesthesia, your dentist will provide you with specific instructions. This usually includes not eating or drinking anything after midnight the night before the procedure.

In all cases, it's important to inform your dentist about any medications you're currently taking (including over-the-counter drugs) and any medical conditions you have. This information will help your dentist determine the best sedation method for you.

Did you know…

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Since the late 19th century, laughing gas has been used as a safe, effective treatment in dentistry.

Ready for your next dental appointment?

Call (512) 266-6366 to Schedule a Consultation